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  • Representative COVID-19 leaflet

Representative COVID-19 leaflet

Published on 10 September 2020
  • Pro

Since the health crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic, a new position has emerged in film and audiovisual production: that of Representative Covid-19.

In order to support the professionals in this urgent and necessary adaptation, the CCHST audiovisual and cinema and Film Paris Region have worked on the definition of the missions and skills related to this new profession.

Film Paris Region publishes them today in order to allow everyone to understand the missions of the Covid-19 representative and to apprehend the necessary knowledge and the issues related to his function, on the film sets or in the offices.


This proposal is based on the national deconfinement protocol published by the Ministry of Labour and on the Guide of health safety recommendations for the activities of the CCHSCT's film and advertising production.

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